Terms and Conditions
Last updated : 7th January 2018
Medication & Injuries
Owners must notify us of any injuries the cat has and any medications and/or treatments required to be given during the booking period in advance of arrival and gain explicit agreement from us that we will accept the injured cat and/or to give the medication and/or treatments.
Owners must also notify us of any changes to medications and/or treatments required to be given during the booking period in advance of arrival and gain explicit agreement from us that we will give the medication and/or treatments that have changed.
Medications can only be given between the hours of 9am and 6pm. If your cat requires medications outwith these times, we will not be able to take your booking. You should though speak with your Vet first as often there is a little flexibility for periods between doses.
Usually most medications and treatments can be given during the stay however we reserve the right to refuse giving medication and/or treatments if we are not notified before arrival, or if the cat is unwilling to take the medication and presents a risk of injury to cattery staff, or the medication presents a danger or hazzard to staff.
Owners are required to provide sufficient medication (with some extra in case of delays etc) for the duration of the booking.
If a booking is cancelled due to injury, medication and/or treatments being required that we are unable to accept, normal cancellation terms apply.
We will always try our best endevours to give medication as prescribed; however no guarentee is made or implied that the medication will be given correctly. Fordham Boarding Cattery and its staff can not accept any responibility for any medication given with or without the owners consent.
If during the course of a cats stay, we are unable to give medication, a vetinary surgeon will be contacted and if required administer any medication. This is at the owners cost.
Health and Vaccinations
Only cats that have a current vaccination certificate against Feline Infectious Enteritis, Feline Leukemia and upper respiratory infections (Cat Flu) can be accepted for boarding. Owners must produce an up to date inoculation certificate on or before arrival. Should the annual booster be due, it should be given at least 10 days before boarding.
Details of last flea and worm treatment will be asked for on arrival - should a cat be found to have either, it will be treated prior to boarding at the owners expense.
No cat suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from, any infectious disease can be accepted. All cats will be examined on arrival, but the proprietor reserves the right to refuse admission to any cat showing signs of ill health pending advice from a Veterinary Surgeon.
We do not board un-neutered male cats over the age of seven months, pregnant females or females in season.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, owners are authorising Fordham Boarding Cattery and its staff to treat or authorise treatment for boarding cats on their behalf.
Owners will appreciate that this is essential in order to safeguard the health & welfare of all cats boarded with us.
We charge a full day's board for the day of arrival and the day of departure, as the chalet is only available to your cat on those days.
Only cats from the same household may board in the same pen and by agreeing to these terms and conditions, owners are expressly authorising this unless they request separate pens.
We reserve the right to re-allocate the pen allocated to a booking and cannot guarentee a specific pen for bookings.
We reserve the right to move cat/s to different pens during the course of a booking.
Late Arrival / Early Collection
In the event of owners not arriving on the date booked or returning before the end of the period for which the cat is booked, the full period will be charged.
Where cat/s are not collected by close of business on the booked out date, an extra day will be charged and the cat/s will only be released on the following day.
Any other extra days boarded will be charged for at the relevant daily rate.
Cancellation Policy
In order to comply with the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, you have a fourteen day "cooling off period" when the booking is placed starting the day after the day the contract was made.
Subject to the 14 day cooling off period as specified in the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, the following charges apply: -
If a booking is cancelled with 7 days or less notice of the original booking start date, the total amount payable will be charged.
If a booking is cancelled with 14 days or less notice of the original booking start date, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total amount payable will be charged.
We reserve the right to cancel any booking/s without notice or compensation should a client behave in a manner that we deem as unreasonable.
Cancellations must be provided in writing, via email or by "signed for post". A suggested wording is as follows and can be filled in on your written and then posted or emailed cancellation notice to us. You are, of course, welcome to use your own wording.
By Post To: Fordham Boarding Cattery, 30 Station Road, Fordham, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 5LW
Via email to info@fordhamboardingcattery.co.uk
Delete or complete as appropriate where marked with *
I/we* hereby give notice that I/we* cancel my/our* cattery boarding accommodation contract with Fordham Boarding Cattery.
Boarding ordered on: (date booking ordered*)
Booking ID: (from boarding confirmation sent to you by us*)
Booking Start date:
Booking End date:
Customer name:
Customer address:
Customer signature: (if notified by post*)
Date of notice of cancellation:
Booking Amendments
If a booking is shortened in duration with 14 days or less notice of the original booking start date, the total amount payable of the original booking will be charged.
If a booking is amended with 14 days or less notice of the original booking start date and we are unable to accomodate the new booking dates, the total amount payable of the original booking will be charged.
Payment Methods
We are pleased to be able to offer you a card payment service as follows:-
Maestro / Switch / Solo no charge | |
Mastercard / Visa No Longer Accepted | |
American Express No Longer Accepted |
We no longer accept credit cards due to the high bank charges we incur in processing credit cards.
You are still able to pay by Cash, Cheque, Debit Card or Bank Transfer without charge as before.
Please call us on (01638) 721 092 if you have any queries regarding the terms and conditions above.